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Monterra Garmin App Update 1.18


Empfohlene Beiträge

die Version 1.19.0 ist veröffentlicht


Version 1.19
- Added setting to pause music while navigation voice plays
- Added settings widget to adjust screen brightness and orientation lock
- Improved Birdseye image quality
- Fixed not calculating distance or ETE for direct routing
- Fixed intersection search for certain maps
- Fixed some waypoints not appearing on MPC maps
- Fixed inconsistencies with large datafield dashboard
- Fixed translation issues
- Fixed some text getting cut off on huge font size
- Fixed not being able to reprogram chirp
- Fixed preloaded waypoints becoming unreadable in Basecamp after opening
- Fixed GB Discoverer layering issue
- Fixed HTML not parsing in geocache logs
- Fixed certain paths not changing color based on routing activity
- Fixed map legend not updating with auto-zoom
- Fixed some aviation data fields not displaying correctly
- Fixed geocache details not displaying full geocache name
- Fixed possible issue when viewing a route with many vias


+ das Koordinatenproblem (W/O) beim speichern eines Wegpunktes sind behoben - setzt jetzt das "O" richtig
+ bei Luftlinienrouting wird nun auch die Entfernung angezeigt
+ Tiefschrift wird nun richtig angezeigt


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