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Garmin Dakota software 2.3


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In der Zwischenzeit gibt es eine Neu SW.2.40



Unter diesem Links gibts bereits die Version 2.70:


Changes made from version 2.60 to 2.70:

  • Fixed issue with units getting stuck in demo mode.
  • Fixed color issues with GB Discoverer and Custom Maps.
  • Fixed issue where portions of GB Discoverer Maps would disappear.


Changes made from version 2.50 to 2.60:

  • Increased the map drawing range to allow maps to draw farther south.
  • Corrected issue with route line sometimes not drawing.
  • Corrected issues with marine POI.
  • Corrected issues with GB Discoverer maps.
  • Corrected issue with project waypoint bearing sometimes not showing the input value.


Changes made from version 2.40 to 2.50:

  • Added ability to view elevation plot of upcoming active route or currently navigated track in blue.
  • Added display of icons to the lists in Where To? > Waypoints and the Geocaching application.
  • Added phone numbers when available to POI review pages.
  • Added Compass, Stopwatch, Active Geocache, and Elevation Plot dashboard options.
  • Introduced dashboard options to the Compass and Map pages.
  • Improved track navigation.Visit http://garmin.blogs.com/softwareupdates/trail-tech/ for more information.


Gruss, Thomas

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