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FTF im Ausland

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Was meinst du mit 'nicht gezählt'? Die FTF werden in der Groundspeak Statistik nicht besonders markiert oder ausgewertet. Wenn du das willst, musst du schon ein eigenes Statistiktool verwenden (GCStatistics o.ä.).


-- Attila

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Why is my FTF count 0?

First to Finds isn't something that is officially supported by Groundspeak, therefore we can not retrieve this data from them. What Project-GC is doing is that it's looking for tags in your found logs. Some of those that are supported are: {*FTF*} {FTF} (FTF).

...und wenn du deine logs editierst, gilt es noch dies zu beachten:
I have edited all my FTF logs and added tags, why doesn't it work?

As you might have read under How up-to-date is the data? it takes time for some data changes to be detected. Edited logs is one of them. In short, it might take up to about 3 months for edited logs to get detected. Until we have a better solution for this, throw us an email and we can make it happen faster. Don't forget your geocaching name.



So long,

Pa FamWa

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