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Monterra Garmin App Update 3.20


Empfohlene Beiträge

Changes made from version 2.90 to 3.20:

Added two additional zoom levels at 20/30ft (5/10m)
Improved city search
Improved map information bar dropdown behavior
Fixed geocache size getting cut off on widget in certain languages
Fixed saving waypoints in incorrect locations for certain Map Datums
Fixed additional routing avoidance issues
Fixed elevation plot not scrolling with new data
Fixed possible issue if device started in a powered mount
Fixed possible issue with User Grids in certain languages
Fixed a drawing issue with certain patterned areas
Fixed transparent maps not drawing with only the basemap enabled
Fixed geocaching dashboard not switching to the closest geocache
Fixed daily and weekly track auto-archive
Fixed geocache filtering not respecting empty filters
Fixed Where To? > Photos and Videos not updating with new photos
Fixed various display issues with the Satellite app


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