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Software Version 6.4 BETA für Montana 7X0


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Garmin hat wieder einmal mit Qualitätssoftware brilliert:


Montana 7x0 Firmware Update 6.40 BETA is available for users with unresponsive touchscreens following the Firmware 6.30 update.

Change made from version 6.30 to 6.40 BETA:

  • Fixed an issue where touchscreen firmware could fail to load. Firmware will continue to load without needing user input on the next power cycle. Please contact Product Support for assistance installing this update. Additional instructions are provided in the folder 'FOR-USERS-WITH-UNRESPONSIVE-TOUCHSCREEN.'..
There are special instructions for installing this update.

Download: Montana 7x0 Firmware Update 6.40 BETA with Special Instructions. 

Also wartet besser zu mit dem Update für 6.3, bis 6.4 publiziert ist. Wer 6.3 schon geladen hat und Probleme hat, verwendet obigen Link.



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