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Software Version 10.8 für Montana 7XX


Empfohlene Beiträge

Montana 7x0 Firmware Update 10.80 released 20DEC21.

GPS: 2.80
Display: 85.07
CIQ: 3.2.4

Change Log:

  • Added timeout to on/off course alerts.
  • Improved responsiveness on the Active Route page.
  • Fixed issues searching for address numbers with more than 6 characters.
  • Fixed possible shutdown when downloading Birdseye Direct images.
  • Fixed possible shutdown when creating a Round-Trip Route.
  • Fixed possible error message when adding a via point to a route.
  • Fixed issues drawing icons in Marine maps.
  • Fixed issues where off course alerts would not dismiss properly.

This update is being released in stages via Garmin Express and OTA, and should be available to everyone soon.

Please report your observations here after installing and testing!




Erster Eindruck: Ich habe die Software montiert und das GPS läuft. 



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