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MapSource Update verfügbar


Empfohlene Beiträge

Ein neues Update - Version - ist verfügbar :D :


"MapSource starten" - "Hilfe" - "Nach Softwareupdates suchen..."




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Change History


Changes made from version 6.16.2 to 6.16.3:


* Fixed some map display issues (22s & 71s labels instead of highway names).

* Fixed Pedestrian routing.

* Fixed some other routing issues.

* Fixed Find Nearest Waypoints issue.

* Fixed vertical profile custom scale settings (right-clicking on the scale of the vertical profile).

* Fixed selection issue (waypoints were not de-selected when selecting a track before).

* Fixed an issue where MapSource did not remember the grid setting correctly.

* Fixed an issue with the updating process.

* Fixed sort by number of via points in the route tab.

* Fixed an issue with spot soundings.

* Fixed a Polish localization issue.

* Made MapSource more robust when encountering invalid map products.






Bearbeitet von Funbiker
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