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Update 62er/78

Empfohlene Beiträge

GPSMAP 62/78 Software Version 2.95 Beta


* Changes made from version 2.94 to 2.95:

* Fixed issues relating to WAAS performance.

* Fixed issue where the device would not regain a GPS signal after losing the GPS signal in a tunnel.

* Fixed shutdown on the map screen when a waypoint was being moved to the same location as a geocache or other POIs.

* Fixed issue where proximity waypoint alerts could only be set in feet regardless of what was selected as a Distance/Speed unit in the setup page.

* Fixed an issue where the enabled/disabled option for custom maps could not be changed when two or more BirdsEye™ Satellite Imagery providers were on the device.

* Fixed an issue where the device would not beep when approaching a destination while routing off-road.

* Problems with the software may be reported to 62-78Beta@garmin.com


Download GPSmap 62/78: Garmin

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