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Master Reset


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Was tun, wenn eine USB-Verbindung mit dem GPS nicht mehr möglich ist und wenn auch die Variante "linke obere Displayecke drücken - Gerät einschalten" nicht mehr geht, weil das Gerät gar nicht mehr booten kann?


Da mir das eben passiert ist hab ich mal etwas gegocklet:


Anscheinend gibt es unter der grauen Abdeckung ums Display einen Reset Knopf... Die Anleitung dazu im Netz war mir aber zu ungenau, so dass ich nach 2 abgebrochenen Fingernägeln die Idee verwarf.

Nach 1/2 Stunde weiter gockeln hab ich folgendes gefunden:


Master reset am Oregon



Is there any way to recover a corrupted Oregon without sending it back to Garmin?


Warning: This procedure may delete information (waypoints, routes, tracks, etc) from your GPS and settings may be set back to factory defaults. It is intended to be a "last ditch" recovery procedure.


There are two recovery procedures you can try on your Oregon. The first can be use to resolve problems where the unit cannot boot because it gets stuck loading maps or gpx files that might be corrupted. The second procedure can be used to recover a unit which will not start properly after software upgrade.


Recovery #1 -- Forced USB Mass Storage Mode (only available in release 2.85 and after)


If your Oregon freezes during the startup process (i.e. Loading Maps...), and you've just loaded new maps or new gpx files then it could be the new files which are causing the problem. This procedure forces the unit into USB Mass Storage mode so that you can delete (or rename) these files. Follow these steps to recover:

Attach the Oregon to your computer via USB cable

The Oregon will power on and start to boot, immediately power the unit off while still connected

Power on the Oregon and continue to hold down the power button for 30 seconds

The Oregon should enter USB mass storage mode

From your computer remove or rename any gpx or map files (.img) files that were recently added

Unplug the Oregon and power on to see if this remedies the problem


Recovery #2 -- Forced Upgrade to 2.5


This procedure may be useful if you've recently performed an upgrade an the unit no longer works. The procedure will perform a low level installation of the software. After running this procedure the Oregon will be running Software version 2.5 so it may be necessary to run the Webupdater once you are done to upgrade to the newest version of software.


First you'll also need to download Updater.exe and 2.50_Update.zip. Once you've downloaded these files save them into a directory such as C:\Garmin on your PC and unzip the zip file. This should leave you with two files: C:\Garmin\Updater.exe and C:\Garmin\BO79500F.rgn.


On your PC click the Start menu, select "Run..." and type "cmd" where it says open. A black window with a DOS command prompt should appear. At the command prompt enter the following command:


> cd c:\Garmin


At the next command prompt type the following command without hitting enter:


> Updater.exe B079500F.rgn


Now back to your Oregon.

Disconnect the Oregon and make sure it is powered off

Press and hold down the power button

Quickly plug the GPS into your USB cable connected to your PC while still holding the power button down.

Back on the PC hit <enter> to execute the command above - still holding down the power button on the Oregon

This should bring up the Updater window, you'll need select the USB radio button - still holding down the power button on the Oregon

Wait for the "Loader" banner at the top of the Oregon screen above the Garmin logo and release the power button

The GPS should display "Software Loader" and Updater should show a download progress bar.

The GPS will go through several update / restart cycles.

If everything goes well the Updater will give a success message and the Oregon will restart running Software version 2.5

Run Webupdater to make sure that the unit has the most up to date software.


If you don't perform steps 2-4 within about 30 seconds the Oregon will end up in USB mass storage mode. If this happens you will need to start over. In step 6 you have just a split second to release the power button at the right time.


When you plug the Oregon into the computer in step 3 you might be asked to install the Garmin USB drivers if this is the first time you have executed this procedure. Allow your PC to automatically update the drivers which should be available on your PC if you've installed Mapsource. If not the USB driver can be downloaded from Garmin.





Bei mir hat übrigens die Variante 1 schon zum Erfolg und zum wiederherstellen des 550T gereicht, da ich die originale Sprachdatei noch auf dem PC als Sicherheitskopie hatte.

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