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“Switzerland is centrally located in Europe in close proximity to our major Western and Eastern European markets.”


“Garmin’s footprint in Europe has grown considerably, through the acquisition of our distributors in ten European countries during the last four years, plus our recent establishment of an office in Poland. The Swiss office will provide a base for expansion of certain corporate functions in Europe and a more favorable structure from which it would be possible to acquire or partner with European businesses. We believe that the change of our jurisdiction of incorporation will enhance our global business operations and reputation consistent with our status as an international company with significant operations in Asia, North America, as well as Europe. Switzerland also offers a well-developed corporate, legal and regulatory environment with an extensive network of tax treaties with other countries,”



"It would be possible to acquire or partner with European businesses"

Hört man da schon die TOM TOM trommeln?

Bearbeitet von gzxto
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Wir halten dann einfach einen Protestmarsch ab und belagern den neuen Firmensitz bis unsere Forderungen in die SW eingeflossen sind. :P


Also auf zum MegaEvent in Schaffhausen! Wo genau in Schaffhausen der Firmensitz hinkommt ist m.W. aber noch nicht endgültig bestimmt.


Geocacher aus der ganzen Schweiz: Seid herzlich willkommen bei uns!

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